International Conference on Women, Peace, and Security 2024:

Forging Collaboration and Convergence for Advancing Women, Peace, and Security

October 28-30, 2024


In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security, the Philippines will host an International Conference on Women, Peace, and Security from 28 to 30 October 2024 in Manila.

The conference will serve as a platform to stocktake and assess the progress made in implementing the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda. With the theme, Forging Collaboration and Convergence for Advancing Women, Peace, and Security, the conference will bring together governments, civil society, the academe, and other stakeholders to collaboratively overcome the challenges to women’s full and meaningful participation in peace and security efforts.

The Conference will Have two main segments


High-Level Segment

The High-Level segment will serve as the primary platform for government stakeholders to review and assess the implementation of the WPS agenda since the adoption of UNSCR1325, while also strengthening consensus toward the common goal of advancing solutions to challenges in the meaningful participation of women in peace and security. The outcome document called the Manila Declaration will be adopted at the end of the session.


Thematic Discussions

Four Thematic Sessions will delve into best practices and visions on the policy and practical aspects of the implementation of the WPS agenda, including in relation to emerging issues. A Special Forum will highlight the role of multi-stakeholder and cross-regional partnerships.
Side Events and Exhibits

Side events and exhibits tackling a diverse range of issues related to the WPS agenda will take place on the sidelines of the Conference.

About the UNSCR 1325

On October 31, 2000, the United Nations Security Council passed resolution S/RES/1325 on women, peace, and security (UNSCR 1325). This resolution emphasizes the significant role that women play in conflict prevention and resolution, peace negotiations, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian efforts, and reconstruction after conflicts.

UNSCR 1325 highlights the need for women’s equal participation and full involvement in all initiatives to maintain and promote peace and security, and calls on all parties to enhance women’s participation and integrate gender perspectives into all UN peace and security activities.

Furthermore, UNSCR 1325 urges all parties to implement specific measures to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, including rape and other sexual abuse during armed conflicts. Since UNSCR1325, the UNSC has passed several subsequent resolutions that deal with improving their involvement in decision-making processes and safeguarding women and girls in conflict situations.

The WPS Conference Logo

The International Conference on Women, Peace, and Security logo stands as a vibrant symbol of unity, resilience and courage, in a world where women bring hope to peace.

The white dove at the center symbolizes the peace we aspire to achieve and the courage to break new grounds.

The purple wing, adorned with a woman’s face crowned by the rays of the sun, reflects the empowering leadership of women in peace efforts.  Behind this wing are faces of women, including one wearing a blue hijab, representing diversity and inclusion of the Women, Peace, and Security agenda  encompassing women of all races, religions, and backgrounds.

In its beak, the dove carries a green olive branch, a symbol of the timeless need for sustainable peace and reconciliation in a world grappling with conflict. The green leaf beneath its belly symbolizes the nexus between climate and security challenges. It represents the critical role of women in promoting climate and environmental sustainability as aspects of our global security.

Colors of the Philippine flag cap the design, symbolizing the host country’s solidarity with nations in the pursuit of collaboration and convergence for the Women, Peace and Security agenda.

The logo showcases the essence of an inspired community: of women from all walks of life, united to confront common challenges and forge a more peaceful, secure, and equitable world. It is a powerful reminder of the relentless commitment to advance the Women, Peace, and Security agenda and to champion women’s empowerment.
To further promote multi-partner and multi-stakeholder collaboration, the conference will feature a variety of side events for Days 2 and 3 relevant to the theme.

These events will be organized by government, civil society organizations (CSOs), and other partners, providing a comprehensive platform for diverse voices and collaborative efforts to address key issues related to the WPS agenda.